[YP_Ke] [Daily Kenyan Jobs - Latest Kenyan Jobs and Latest Jobs in Kenya] AECF Program Officer job in Kenya

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is a partnership that works with governments, donors, NGOs, the private sector, and African farmers to significantly and sustainably improve the productivity and income of resource-poor farmers in Africa. Founded and initially funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, AGRA supports interventions aimed at improving seed systems, soil fertility, input and output markets, policies, and other priority sectors, with the overall objective of reducing food insecurity. AGRA aims to achieve these goals by: supporting and building capability of farmers and enterprises across the agricultural value chain; being a thought-leader on African agriculture by collecting, packaging, and disseminating knowledge; and creating strong partnerships with public, private, and donor actors to drive change within the sector. AGRA is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and has an office in Accra, Ghana.
The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is a US$205m private sector fund, backed by some of the biggest names in development finance and hosted by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Our aim is to encourage private sector companies to compete for investment support for their new and innovative business ideas.
The AECF is a special partnership initiative of AGRA that supports AGRA's mission. The Board of AGRA provides the governance structure for the AECF and is responsible to the AECF's donors. However, in practice, the AECF operates as an independent fund reporting to its own Investment Committee which in turn reports to a Governing Council made up of its donor funders and ultimately AGRA's Board. The AECF is open to proposals from any country in the world as long as the project implementation will be in the specified country. Multi-country and regional projects are also eligible. We operate from three regional hubs (Nairobi, Accra, Johannesburg and Harare).
AGRA is seeking a highly competent and experienced individual for the position of AECF Program Officer who will enable the AECF to strengthen its oversight and management of a rapidly expanding portfolio as well as the operations by the Fund Manager.
Reporting directly to the Executive Manager (EM), the officer will liaise with the Fund Manager's team and be responsible for the monitoring of technical and financial information regarding the portfolio of AECF investments in agribusiness, rural financial services and renewable energy/adaptation to climate change.

Key Responsibilities
General program management 

Analysis of investment climate in designated AECF countries on a quarterly basis, identifying threats and opportunities for the Fund;
Manage day-to-day operations and activities with partners such as Infodev, SEDF and Norfund and actively maintain relations with the ANDE Network, of which the AECF is a member;
Prepare AC and AGRA Board proposals for the EM and professionalize the lay-out and presentation, possibly in cooperation with AGRA's communication department (graphics, etc.);
Manage the contracts with local NGO's on TA to indigenous/women led enterprises and assess for the EM the quality and quantity of the proposals the AECF receives;
Conduct analytical work to constantly assess the market position of a challenge fund mechanism vis à vis other impact investors that are operational or being developed;
Liaise with AGRA's programs on seeds, soils, markets, support to farmers organizations and policy and identify opportunities for closer cooperation and information sharing;
Assist the EM in preparing for international events and forums in terms of presentations, publications and media relations.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Assist the EM in preparing half-yearly progress reports with research and analysis, formulating policy issues and recommendations and assist in improving the general lay-out;
In cooperation with AGRA's communications department, work on an annual report before 1st of April of each calendar year;
Prepare and budget evaluation and learning activities as described in the comprehensive M,L&E plan, including management of relations with external partners such as CTA/CDI on research for case studies;
On a regular basis liaise with AGRA's M&E unit, the Evaluation Management Unit as well as the FM's M&E staff, including AusAid interns and partners such as Triple Line Consulting and identify opportunities for storytelling and PR in newsletters, on the AGRA and AECF websites and other channels;
When required, take part in field missions and reviews, organized either by AGRA or the AECF donors.

Personal traits

Strong analytical ability to design and evaluate policy options for promoting pro-poor growth
Ability to work effectively within multicultural and interdisciplinary environments
Excellent communication skills, particularly writing skills, and ability to work closely with a diverse group of donors and partners
Ability to engage in communications and dialogue with government officials and donors
Strong problem-solving skills and a motivation to improve policies and practices systemically.
Fluency in English and working knowledge of French will be an advantage
Professional requirements

A minimum of 5 years of working experience at multidisciplinary and academic level, either in a private or a public organization
Graduate degree in social sciences such as economics, public administration or political sciences
Knowledge of the agricultural sector in Africa, the role of the private sector and finance

For more information on these positions, applicants can visit www.agra.org and www.aecfafrica.org
An attractive remuneration package commensurate with the responsibilities will be negotiated with the successful candidate. If you believe you can clearly demonstrate your abilities to meet the relevant criteria for this role, please submit your application with a detailed CV, stating your current position, nationality, remuneration, e-mail and telephone contacts and quoting the reference number (Ref.: AECF/IRS/001) on the application letter and email subject line.
To be considered, your application must be received by 16 July, 2013 addressed to:

The Human Resources Office
P.O Box 66773 - 00800
Westlands, Nairobi Kenya
Email: recruit@agra.org

Posted By Blogger to Daily Kenyan Jobs - Latest Kenyan Jobs and Latest Jobs in Kenya at 7/09/2013 06:11:00 AM

Hello All,
For all planning to participate in the LYP Sports Day + Dinner scheduled for next weekend, Saturday 13th, please NB the payment deadline is tomorrow 3rd July. Ticket cost is 2, 000 payable via MPesa PayBill Business Number 247 247, ACC No. 0240293600721. Else you can pay cash on ticket delivery if you advise where and when your ticket can be delivered. You can call Francis 0721 663 208, Josephine 0723736086
Dinner Guest Speakers are
1. Prof. Allan Mulengani Katwalo (BA, DPIM, MBA, PGCE, PhD) - Director of the Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness, Strathmore Business School. He will share with us the Strategies for Attaining a Competitive Edge In Business and The Global Job Market.
2. Jennifer Barassa, The Founder & CEO of Top Image, the market leader in 'below-the-line advertising' industry. She will share with us Her Entrepreneurial Journey: - Starting and Building a Successful Business.
More details here https://www.facebook.com/events/1386008198280476/