Volume-2F / Sept / 15 / 013.
When Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit,and news a bout him spread through the whole of his countryside,the first challenge he encountered was rejection from his own people((John 1.10-13).But this was after his baptism in Jordan when he was then filled with the Holy Spirit with the dove upon his head and the spirit attesting him as God's beloved son to be heeded to.
He was immediately led to the desert for fourty days fasting and praying to enable him acquire divine bearing and relevance for his ministry in Galilee(Luke 4.14-19)
He began his ministry by claiming his identity to his people-"The spirit of the Lord is upon me,because..........."This enabled him to keep track of his divine call.
In June last year while praying at our nearby local Church in Nairobi at mid day and was kneeling before a big Cross erected at the altar,I was graced to get the following mental image which scared me with all my body paining all over for the rest of that day.
I was able to see a country in turmoil,with countrymen up in war against their fellow countrymen.
It was then I was able to see big and magnificent storey buildings brought down by grenades and gun shots everywhere,with young men armed with all sorts of war weapons and killing their own countrymen mercilessly in cold blood........
Women and children were running up and down crying with some nursing serious wounds for their lives.......amongst many other bad things.
It was after that a soft voice began by asking me what I was seeing and before I could respond,it went a further asking me if I heard about Rwanda's genocide and I said yes,then he ended by telling me that if we do not pray for our country Kenya,then it would be more worse than that of Rwanda.
It was after two months when I was led in a mysterious pilgrimage to one of the parishes in Bungoma,from where I stayed for eight months all through last general polls.
In one of our dailies(Last Sunday-East African Standard editorials,one of our leaders gave this quote,".....And Kenyans laid their tribulations squarely in the lap of leaders,who they believed tp be insensitive,unresponsive and obsessed with games of political brinkmanship as hunger pangs ravage children".
It is true our leadership is not sensitive to the needs of their people who put them in those positions and this is clearly seen in our dailies and social media and what these leaders keep preaching in their public fora which lacks substance but perpetuate impunity,hatred and blackmail upon Kenyan electorates.
This is why we need leaders who can clearly define their identity and protect what they believe in and not turn coats,those who can proclaim freedom for Kenyans prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind ones.
As a rejoinder to our mid last week's life reflection,I noted that Kenyans memory seem to be very forgetful.
One editor in our dailies-Nation Newspaper,once commented this while blaming our education system for producing what he states is ,"probably the world's most ignorant group whose collective conscience remains totally unmoved by the consequences of their selfish actions."
We can also refer to this quote,.."Good education for a bad character gives poor results"-By R.A.Massie.
And the above quotes summed up as,"As things stand,the world is in the hands of too many clever devils-the inevitable results when a good education is received by a bad character."
I may tend to believe the above since most of our elites and even us Christians,the informed are not genuine prophets but fake in the sense that they do not pass on the pallatable information to our generations as suppose to be but they pollute their knowledge by doctoring their informations and denying the public the right thing due to their vested interests. 
The information they keep passing to the public cannot deliver the public from various oppressions they may find themselves in but confuse them further.
I also came across some commentary from an advocate a bout ICC last week,but to me  i tend not to concur with our learned man and to be sincere,this ICC issue has been politicized badly and it is the high time we be sincere.
ICC never came for Kenyan cases or call them the Ocampo six for themselves but its our politics of mistrust and betrayal that led us there blind-foldedly while thinking that it was the two principles to be crucify for our personal misdeeds.
I remember the two principles pleading with their lieutenants for more than twice to go for the local tribunal as to hague but they refused with the then Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister pleading with them(Parliamentarians)within the floor of the house to go for the local tribunal but they yelled let us not be vague,let us go to Hague,with one of them to comment later again Hague would take over twenty years.
It was after that the principles hands were tied and Dr.Koffi handed his bombshell envelope to them,then to UN security council and later to Ocampo and I tend to believe my memory.
May be due to our leadership insensitivity,they expected the principles to tell them that you guys,after all it is you who were involved and would be at the receiving end.
While in Bungoma,I was graced to train some team through the blessings of the  priest in charge at that parish on prophetic intercession Ministry.
I was doing this in lieu with the mental image I had in June last year while still in Nairobi as we seek divine will for our country having witnessed what happened in 2007 and was not ready for another experience.
I was humbled to realize how God can use very powerfully simple men and women of faith,simplicity with many of them having very little knowledge the elite boast of without any concrete realization of its applications in our daily living.
It was while doing our training with Kenyan peaceful election and transition as our strategical case study in our project,when different people at different scenes and occasions got recurring mental images of how the orange democratic party was winning the elections which spelled fear within the high ranking government officials prompting them to plan to blackmail the orange party presidential contender at all costs.
There was also another scene of the Orange having worn the elections with their competitor plunging the country into blood shed as a way of blocking them from seizing their victory.
We talked of orange and Their red counterparts because those were the colours that were frequently shown tin those mental images.
It was then we were able to confirm what other prophets and prophetess had prophecised earlier with some people calling for their investigations as fake prophesies but as we believe that not all prophecies are true but those ones from God must be fulfilled at all costs.
In Genesis 42-we read how Israelites were blinded for having made a choice over their brother Joseph saying,"We do not want you rule over us."which can be compared with what we can now try to connect from what we see happening here in Kenya.
In Genesis 27 also we read about our carnality with its consequences,with everybody messing up by trying to help God out in fulfilling his divine will by altaring God's plans,with Isaac planning to bless the bond servant's child instead of the child of promise.
We also Rebbecca his wife busy being manipulative having known God's will a bout his son Jacob.

Best wishes as we plead we all pray for our country.

God's blessings and Love,


It was then