On Sunday, it emerged that officers at the voter registration department had not reported the loss of the document to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Commission chairman Ahmed Issack Hassan said the IEBC had not received reports of the loss of a booklet containing an acknowledgment slip said to have been stolen from the commission
"I am hearing about this theft for the first time. As a commission we only get information during the commission meeting which has not happened," Mr Hassan told Nation on Sunday

"We are disturbed by this state of affairs. The loss was not reported to the police or to the commission. We fear this kind of unilateral testimonies can put this commission into disrepute and open up further litigations," an IEBC official who did not wish to be named told the Nation by telephone.

"We are very embarrassed. Who is investigating this matter? Which police station did they report the matter to?" the official asked.

According to him, the official being investigated over the theft "commands a lot of respect" and the senior management at IEBC was not aware that he was under investigation.


TJ Kajwang put it to Kassait to prove that the alleged theft was reported anywhere,in which police station it was reported and who was doing the investigations and she failed to answer that question.things are not good on IEBC

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For all planning to participate in the LYP Sports Day + Dinner scheduled for next weekend, Saturday 13th, please NB the payment deadline is tomorrow 3rd July. Ticket cost is 2, 000 payable via MPesa PayBill Business Number 247 247, ACC No. 0240293600721. Else you can pay cash on ticket delivery if you advise where and when your ticket can be delivered. You can call Francis 0721 663 208, Josephine 0723736086
Dinner Guest Speakers are
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2. Jennifer Barassa, The Founder & CEO of Top Image, the market leader in 'below-the-line advertising' industry. She will share with us Her Entrepreneurial Journey: - Starting and Building a Successful Business.
More details here https://www.facebook.com/events/1386008198280476/