[YP_Ke] Kethi KIlonzo to be disqualified

According to a cross examination conducted by The National Alliance
(TNA) lawyers it is now evident that Kethi Kilonzo is not a registered

Latest examinations proceedings show that Kethi's acknowledgement slip
showed that she was registered in St Mary's School in Langata instead
of Ngong Forest School where she claimed to have registered.

Sources at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)
say this will force the commission to disqualify Kethi, who in many
cases was unable to answer questions during the cross examination.

But Kethi has severally admitted that she is registered but when
documents are perused further it shows that he is not a registered.

Can this cement earlier assertions that former Prime Minister, Raila
Odinga, used his connections within the commission to process a fake
acknowledgement card for Kethi?

Why should we not all live in peace and harmony ? we look up the same stars
, we are fellow passengers on the same planet and dwell beneath the same
sky , what matters it along which road each individual endeavours to reach
the ultimate truth ? the riddle of existence is too great that there should
be only one road leading us to an answer

Hello All,
For all planning to participate in the LYP Sports Day + Dinner scheduled for next weekend, Saturday 13th, please NB the payment deadline is tomorrow 3rd July. Ticket cost is 2, 000 payable via MPesa PayBill Business Number 247 247, ACC No. 0240293600721. Else you can pay cash on ticket delivery if you advise where and when your ticket can be delivered. You can call Francis 0721 663 208, Josephine 0723736086
Dinner Guest Speakers are
1. Prof. Allan Mulengani Katwalo (BA, DPIM, MBA, PGCE, PhD) - Director of the Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness, Strathmore Business School. He will share with us the Strategies for Attaining a Competitive Edge In Business and The Global Job Market.
2. Jennifer Barassa, The Founder & CEO of Top Image, the market leader in 'below-the-line advertising' industry. She will share with us Her Entrepreneurial Journey: - Starting and Building a Successful Business.
More details here https://www.facebook.com/events/1386008198280476/